
Vladimir Mikhalovich Archakov

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Vladimir Mikhalovich Archakov (Russia, 28.09.1938 -† 06.01.2005)

Vladimir Archakov composed more than 1100 chess problems:

he started with twomovers, moved to moremovers and ended with helpmates.

He also wrote many books about chess composition.


Also information at the Russian Wikipedia about him.

In this article about Zinar there is a passage about him:

"Archakov came to Kiev from Volgograd.

He was a famous chess ascet, master of USSR sports in chess composition Vladimir Mikhailovich Archakov.

Archakov was in charge of chess sections in 15 magazines in Ukraine!
This chess figure has boosted the chess life of the Ukrainian capital.
Using his imposing appearance and as a civil aviation pilot, Vladimir Mikhailovich opened
easily open the doors of the editors of newspapers and magazines.
The culmination of his organizational genius was a vigorous competition
for composing chess studies in honor of the 1500th anniversary of the glorious city of Kiev.
At that time, Zinar studied at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute and often attended the evenings of chess poetry fans in the capital.
At one of these meetings, a satisfied Vladimir Mikhailovich told the meeting

that about 80 endgame studies had been submitted for the match "Kiev - 1500".
Among the participants were etude titans like Gia Nadareishvili, Ernest Poghosyants, Vasily Dolgov ...
But all these iconic surnames of the recognized masters with different figure proportions

were supplanted by the first-class chess composition Mikhail Zinar,
which glorifies the narrow pawn strip of the chess spectrum.
Etude Zinara (No. 39), who shared the highest award, became the hallmark of the competition."


Most of his studies are co-productions with Zinar, Mikhail 1951-2021

Source: Website ARVES (editor Peter Boll)


Wikipedia writes:

Vladimir Mikhailovich Archakov (September 21, 1938, Strelnozhirokoye, Stalingrad Region – January 6, 2005) – Soviet, then Ukrainian and Russian chess composer and writer.

Born in the village. Strelnoshirokoye, Dubovsky district, Stalingrad region, September 21, 1938, in the family of a fisherman.

Graduated from the Leningrad Academy of Civil Aviation. He worked as a pilot in Volgograd, Tyumen, Surgut, Berezovo. The total flight time for 27 professional years is 8600 hours. He lived in Kiev since the late 1970s and spent the last years of his life in the city of Dubovka in the Volgograd region. Died January 6, 2005.

V. Archakov was the initiator of the creation of chess sections in the newspapers “Young Leninist”, “Volgogradskaya Pravda”, “Tyumen Komsomolets” and “Aviator Tyumen”. In Ukraine, he founded chess composition sections in several newspapers and magazines (Ukraine, Nauka i Suspilstvo, Komsomolskoe Znamya, etc.), which held competitions for writing and solving problems and sketches. Author of books on chess composition.

As a composer, he worked in various genres and composed mainly two-, three- and multi-movement works. In total, he compiled around 1,100 problems and studies, more than 350 of which won awards in competitions.

His books
In the world of chess composition. Volgograd: Nisch.-Wolsch. Buch Verlag, 1980. 191 p.
On a small chess field. Sverdlovsk: Middle Urals. Buch Verlag, 1983. 143 p.
Chess quartets. Kiev: Molod, 1983. 184 p.
Chess mosaic. Kyiv: Health, 1984. 133 p.
Grandmaster compositions. Kyiv: Molod, 1985. 192 p.
Fine chess problems and studies. Kyiv: I'm glad. School, 1985. 89 p.
Chess composition in Ukraine. Kiev: Health, 1986. 165, [2] p.
First steps in chess composition. Kyiv: I'm glad. School, 1987. 143 p.
Harmony of a Peasant Study. Kyiv: I'm glad. School, 1990. 143, [1] pp. ISBN 5-330-00853-0 . Co-authored with M. Zinar.
Vladimir Mihajlovič Arčakov // –2002.
Melnichenko V. Enthusiast: (on the 60th anniversary of Vladimir Archakov) // Problems and studies. - 1998. - Edition. 16. - pp. 39-41.
Archakov's compositions on the PDB server

Source: Wikipedia (Rus)

Others: 4 endgame studies composed by him and Mikhail Zinar are selected on Website

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