1 | | Bēgšana no "progresīvās padomju paradīzes". Okeanologs S. Kurilovs pārlec kuģa bortam un nopeld 100km, lai nokļūtu līdz Filipīnām | 13.12.1974 | lv, ru | 2 | | Soviet author and dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel Prize for literature | 08.10.1970 | en, lv |
3 |
| George Bernard Shaw refused to accept the huge prize money for his Nobel Prize | 19.11.1926 | en, lv |
4 | | Marija Kirī otrreiz kļūst par Nobela prēmijas laureāti | 07.11.1911 | lv, pl |
5 | | The first Nobel prizes were awarded | 10.12.1901 | en, lv, pl |