1 |  | Liebritānijas tronī mirušo karalieni Elizabeti II nomaina karalis Ričards III | 08.09.2022 | lv |
2 |  | Argentīnas militāristi okupē Folklendu salas | 02.04.1982 | lv, pl, ru |
3 |
| Britu Parlaments aizliedza Parlamentā atrasties sievietēm minisvārkos. Tobrīd Parlamentā ievēlētas tikai 26 sievietes | 02.12.1966 | lv |
4 |  | Ex-Labour Cabinet minister Sir Oswald Mosley formed the "New Party". Later it became the British Union of Fascists | 28.02.1931 | en, lv |
5 |  | The Acts of Union (1800) were passed. They created the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland | 01.08.1800 | en, lv |
6 |  | Anglijas karalis Čārlzs II pavēl aizvērt visas kafejnīcas, jo tajās izplata baumas par valdību | 29.12.1675 | lv |
7 |  | The coronation of Mary I in 1553 at Westminster Abbey | 01.10.1533 | en |
8 |  | Henry IV was proclaimed King of England. | 30.09.1399 | en |
9 |  | "Edgar the Peaceful" became King of England. His reign was peaceful due extremely repressive | 01.10.959 | en |