1 |  | Solingen, Germany, stabbing: 3 killed, 5 wounded in knife attack at Germany festival | 23.08.2024 | en, lv |
2 |  | A knife attack at a dance studio | 29.07.2024 | en, lv, ru |
3 |  | During a music festival in the French village of Crepol, a gang of presumably muslim migrants started stabbing people. 1 dead, 17 injured | 19.11.2023 | en, lv |
4 |  | EUCO has confirmed Moldova and Ukraine as EU membership candidates. This reflects their strong & legitimate EU aspirations. | 23.06.2022 | en, lv |
5 |
| Vircburgā uzbrucējs ar "lielam nazim līdzīgu priekšmetu" nogalinājis 3 un ievainojis vismaz 6 | 25.06.2021 | lv |
6 |  | A female police employee has been fatally stabbed in a knife attack at a police station in Rambouillet, France | 23.04.2021 | en, lv |
7 |  | Vīnē, Austrija, maskās tērpti vīrieši veikuši uzbrukumus vismaz 6 vietās, to skaitā centrālās sinagogas un jūdu kultūras centra tuvumā | 02.11.2020 | lv |
8 |  | 2 people have been stabbed to death and 5 others injured by a man dressed in medieval clothing and armed with a 'bladed weapon' in Quebec | 01.11.2020 | en, lv |
9 |  | France declares emergency alert after killings of 3 people at Notre Dame Basilica in southern city of Nice | 29.10.2020 | en, lv, ru |
10 |  | Man decapitated in assault near Paris, anti-terror probe under way: prosecutors | 16.10.2020 | en, lv |
11 |  | Multiple people have been injured and at least one person is dead after a stabbing at a hotel in Glasgow | 26.06.2020 | en, lv |
12 |  | Terorista uzbrukums Kolombā, Francijā. Terorists ar auto sabraucis policijas patruļu, smagi ievainoti 2 policisti | 27.04.2020 | lv |
13 |  | Hānavā, Vācija notikušas divas apšaudes, kurās ir vismaz 11 upuri un 5 ievainoti | 19.02.2020 | lv, ru |
14 |  | Kārtējais uzbrukums ar nazi Gentē, Beļģijā. Policija neitralizējusi uzbrucēju, sašaujot. | 02.02.2020 | lv |
15 |  | Lielbritānija oficiāli pamet ES | 31.01.2020 | lv, ru |
16 |  | Terēza Meja kļūst par Lielbritānijas premjerministri | 13.07.2016 | lv |
17 |  | Pirmoreiz cilvēces vēsturē nosēdina kosmisko zondi uz komētas | 12.11.2014 | lv |
18 |  | 7 July 2005 London bombings | 07.07.2005 | de, en, lt, lv, pl, ru |
19 |  | Orkāns Latvijā "Ervīns" jeb "Gudruns" | 09.01.2005 | lv |
20 |  | Hutton Inquiry | 12.08.2003 | en, lv |