
Raimondo Lanza di Trabia

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Раймондо Ланца диТрабия
Aristocrate, Athlète, Diplomate, Diplomate, Suicide
Réglez cimetière

Raimondo Lanza di Trabia (Arcellasco, 11 September 1915 – Rome, 30 November 1954) was an Italian nobleman, soldier, diplomat and sportsman. Member of an important Sicilian noble family, he was chairman of the footballteam U.S. Città di Palermo from 1951 to 1952.


Raimondo Lanza di Trabia was born in a little town of Lombardy, from an underground relation between the Sicilian prince Giuseppe Lanza Branciforte, belonging to the ancient Lanza family, and a Venetian noblewoman, Maddalena Papadopoli Aldobrandini. Thanks to his paternal grandmother, Giulia Florio, he was legitimised and raised by his paternal grandparents in Palermo, in the family residence of Palazzo Butera.

In 1936 he served as volunteer in the Italian Army during the Spanish Civil Warand took part in the Battle of Guadalajara. During the first years of the World War II he served as an Army officier. After the Armistice of Cassibile Lanza di Trabia served as sidekick of the General Giacomo Carboni and liaison officer. In that period of his life, he became friend of Galeazzo Ciano, Gianni Agnelli and his sister Susanna and, after the war, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Luchino Visconti, Aristotle Onassis and the Persian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. According to his biographers, Lanza di Trabia had relations with Rita Hayworthand Carroll Baker.

After the war he studied in England and then moved to Paris in order to undertake the diplomatic career. He became chairman of U.S. Palermo on 26 January 1951. He brought to Palermo some talented players, like Helge Bronée, but terminated his presidency on 30 June 1952, just one year after the assumption of the office. He took part even to the Targa Florio.

In 1953 Lanza di Trabia married the actress Olga Villi and had two daughters, Venturella (1953) and Raimonda (1955). Lanza di Trabia died under suspicious circumstances on 30 November 1954, falling from the window of a hotel in Rome. The singer Domenico Modugno dedicated the song Vecchio frac to him.


  • Vincenzo Prestigiacomo, Il principe irrequieto, Nuova Ipsa 2006
  • Marcello Sorgi, Il grande dandy. Vita spericolata di Raimondo Lanza di Trabia, ultimo principe siciliano, Rizzoli, 2011
  • Giuseppe Bagnati; Vito Maggio; Vincenzo Prestigiacomo (2004). Il Palermo racconta: storie, confessioni e leggende rosanero. Palermo: Grafill. p. 10. ISBN 88-8207-144-8.
  • Raimonda Lanza di Trabia; Ottavia Casagrande (2014). Mi toccherà ballare. Milano: Feltrinelli. ISBN 978-88-07-49168-9.


Pas de lieux


        NomLienDate de naissanceDate de décèsDescription
        1Olga   VilliOlga VilliFemme20.01.192212.08.1989
        2Rita  HayworthRita HayworthPartenaire17.10.191814.05.1987
        3Susanna AgnelliSusanna AgnelliAmi24.04.192215.05.2009
        4Mohammad Reza PahlaviMohammad Reza PahlaviAmi26.10.191927.07.1980
        5Aristote OnassisAristote OnassisAmi15.01.190615.03.1975
        6Giuseppe Tomasi di  LampedusaGiuseppe Tomasi di LampedusaAmi23.12.189623.07.1957
        7Luchino ViscontiLuchino ViscontiAmi02.11.190617.03.1976
        8Galeazzo  CianoGaleazzo CianoAmi18.03.190301.01.1944

        Aucun événement fixés

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