
Sheila Charisse

Date de naissance:

Date de décès:
Victime d'une catastrophe, victime
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Sheila Charisse - died in the crash of American Airlines Flight 191 on May 25, 1979

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        NomLienDate de naissanceDate de décèsDescription
        Tony Martin, Jr.Mari26.08.195010.04.2011
        2Tony MartinTony MartinBeau-père25.12.191327.07.2012
        3Cyd CharisseCyd CharisseBelle-mère08.03.192217.06.2008

        25.05.1979 | American Airlines Flight 191 crash

        American Airlines Flight 191 was a regularly scheduled passenger flight from O'Hare International Airport in Chicago to Los Angeles International Airport. The McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 crashed on May 25, 1979, moments after takeoff from Chicago. All 258 passengers and 13 crew on board were killed, along with two people on the ground. It is the deadliest aviation accident to have occurred in the United States.

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