Bois-de-Vaux, Lausanne
- Kapinės pridedamas prie asmens:
- 4peržiūrėti įrašus
- Adresas:
- Cimetière du Bois-de-Vaux Avenue du Chablais 47 1007
- Telefonas:
- +41 21 315 57 15
- Politinę teritoriją:
- Lausanne
- Kapa vietas, pieminekļi:
- 1peržiūrėti įrašus
As one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Switzerland, Bois-de-Vaux represents a current trend which tries to turn “this last collective place of rest into a leisure park with space for tombs”.
Some celebrities have found repose there, such as Baron Pierre de Coubertin, Coco Chanel and lexicologist Paul Robert.
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