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Sam White

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Sam White was an American film producer, film director and actor.

White was born in Los Angeles on October 16, 1906 to parents who had immigrated from Austria and Hungary. In 1937, he married Claretta Ellis, a studio contract dancer. They were married for 65 years until her death in 2002.

For much of the 1930s, Sam White directed numerous musical sequences in films such as Roberta with Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and Irene Dunne; Old Man Rhythm with Betty Grableand Buddy Rogers; Top Of The Town with George Murphy; and Hooray For Love, with Anne Sothern.

During World War II Sam made six training films for the U.S. Armed forces. Also in the 1940s the feature films he produced and directed included Reveille With Beverly, starring Ann Miller (Frank Sinatra’s first film); People are Funny, starring, Jack Haley and Rudy Vallée; Return of the Vampire, starring Bela Lugosi; The Girl in the Case, starring Edmund Lowe; After Midnight with Boston Blackie, starting Chester Morris; Louisiana Hayride, starring Judy Canova; and Tahiti Nights, starring Jinx Falkenberg for RKO, Columbia, Universal and Paramount Studios.

During the next two decades Sam directed commercials and produced and directed early television series such as Perry MasonThe Outer LimitsOh! Those BellsMy Friend FlickaBoston BlackiePhilip Marlowe, and Big Town, among many others. In 1969 he produced and directed White Comanche with William Shatnerand Joseph Cotton. He was also a successful businessman with his production facility in Pioneer Town and commercial real estate ventures in Los Angeles.

Throughout his later years, Sam remained interested in world affairs and traveled extensively as a valued ombudsman for the Directors Guild to cement relations between foreign and American filmmakers. In 1990, the Director’s Guild of America published an oral history entitled The White Brothers which tells the history of the family as well as the history of early movie making in Los Angeles.

Sam White, one of the famous White Brothers film and television pioneers, died peacefully at his Encinohome just short of his 100th birthday. A retrospective was held in 2003 at the Motion Picture and Television Home where a wall of honor was dedicated to him. His professional memorabilia was positioned alongside those of his renowned brothers, Jack White and Jules White.

Selected filmography

  • Louisiana Hayride (1944)
  • Kickin' the Crown Around (1933)

Источник: wikipedia.org

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        ИмяРодствоДата рожденияДата смертиОписание
        1Jules WhiteJules Whiteбрат17.09.190030.04.1985
        2Jack  WhiteJack Whiteбрат02.03.189710.04.1984
        3Полин  СтаркПолин Старксвояченица10.01.190103.02.1977
        4Френк СинатраФренк Синатраколлега12.12.191514.05.1998
        5Betty  GrableBetty Grableколлега18.12.191603.07.1973
        6Джинджер РоджерсДжинджер Роджерсколлега16.07.191125.04.1995
        7Фред АстерФред Астерколлега10.05.189922.06.1987