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Juan David Ochoa

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Juan David Ochoa Vásquez
Вор в законе, Преступник
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in 1979, was involved in a process to distribute 550 kilos of coca in the country.A few years later was associated with his two brothers Fabio and Jorge Luis, to smuggle the drug lord Pablo Escobar.In 1991 he surrendered to authorities in Turbo (Antioquia) and reached to pay five years' imprisonment.

Juan David Ochoa Vásquez (c. 1949 – 25 July 2013) was a Colombian former drug trafficker and one of the founders of the Medellín Cartel, a major drug trafficking cartel based in the city of Medellín.[1]

Juan David was the elder brother of Jorge Luis and Fabio Ochoa Vásquez, powerful figures inside the Medellín Cartel.


In 1991, Juan David Ochoa Vásquez, together with his brother Jorge Luis, turned themselves in to the Colombian government in order to receive the benefits of collaborating with the judicial system. Juan David Ochoa negotiated a surrender and was imprisoned in a medium security prison outside Medellín.[3] In January 1996, as the result of a sentence plea bargain with the state, Juan David Ochoa Vásquez was released from prison after serving five years.

Sister Marta Nieves.


On 25 July 2013, Juan David Ochoa Vásquez died of heart attack in Medellin hospital.

Источник: wikipedia.org

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        ИмяРодствоДата рожденияДата смертиОписание
        1José Gonzalo Rodríguez GachaJosé Gonzalo Rodríguez Gachaколлега00.00.194715.12.1989
        2Пабло ЭскобарПабло Эскобарединомышленник01.12.194902.12.1993

        Не указано событие
