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Richard Rockefeller

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Ričards Rokfellers, Rokfelers, Richard Gilder Rockefeller
Кладбище Голгофа, Нью-Йорк

Richard Rockefeller, great-grandson of John D. Rockefeller, has died in a small plane crash in Purchase, New York

“The family is in shock. This was a terrible tragedy. Richard was a wonderful cherished son and brother, father, husband and grandfather,” family spokesman Fraser Seital told the Press Herald. “He was an experienced pilot and a respected medical doctor, who most recently was working on treating PTSD in veterans. And it’s just horribly sad."



Richard Gilder Rockefeller (January 20, 1949 – June 13, 2014) was a family physician in Falmouth, Maine who practiced and taught medicine in Portland, Maine, from 1982 to 2000. He was married and had two children and two stepchildren. A son of Margaret McGrath Rockefeller and banker David Rockefeller, he was a grandson of American financier John D. Rockefeller Jr., and a great grandson of American business magnate and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller Sr.

He was chairman of the United States Advisory Board of Doctors Without Borders from 1989 until 2010, and served on the board of Rockefeller University in New York City until 2006. In the last few years of his life, Rockefeller was working to establish better worldwide methods of treatment for individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Rockefeller was the founder and former chairman of Hour Exchange Portland, a service credit barter in Portland and throughout the state of Maine. He also served as chairman of the board of Maine Coast Heritage Trust from 2000 to 2006. In addition to his degree from Harvard Medical School, Rockefeller held a master's degree in Education, and was president of the Rockefeller Family Fund.


Rockefeller, an experienced pilot, was flying home after visiting his father at the Rockefeller family estate in Pocantico Hills, a hamlet in the town of Mount Pleasant, New York. The family patriarch, his father, David Rockefeller, had celebrated his 99th birthday on June 12, 2014.

Rockefeller took off from Westchester County Airport in a Piper Meridian single-engine turboprop at 8:08 a.m. on June 13, 2014, departing from runway 16 in dense fog and steady rain. Less than 10 minutes later, the Federal Aviation Administration notified airport officials it had lost contact with the pilot. At 8:23 a.m. local police in the town of Harrison, New York reported Rockefeller's plane crashed less than a mile from the airport in the town of Harrison. Rockefeller, the pilot, was the only person on the private plane.

Richard is the only one of six siblings to have died during his father's lifetime. Through him, he was also a nephew of the late U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller.



Источник: bbc.co.uk

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        ИмяРодствоДата рожденияДата смертиОписание
        1Дэвид  РокфеллерДэвид Рокфеллеротец12.06.191520.03.2017
        Margaret McGrathмать00.00.1996
        3Уинтроп Олдрич   РокфеллерУинтроп Олдрич Рокфеллердядя01.05.191222.02.1973
        4Джон Дэвисон  Рокфеллер-младшийДжон Дэвисон Рокфеллер-младшийдед29.01.187411.05.1960
        5Abby Aldrich  RockefellerAbby Aldrich Rockefellerбабушка26.10.187405.04.1948
        6Джон РокфеллерДжон Рокфеллерпрадед08.07.183923.05.1937

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