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Freddie Fields

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Fred Feldman
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Freddie Fields (July 12, 1923 – December 11, 2007), born Fred Feldman, was an American theatrical agent and film producer who was instrumental in the careers of such stars as Jack Carter, Judy Garland,Woody Allen, Henry Fonda, Marilyn Monroe, Robert Redford, Peter Sellers, and Steve McQueen, and into the 1980s promoted the likes of Richard Gere and Mel Gibson.

He was the brother of band leader Shep Fields, and is survived by his wife, former Miss Universe 1964, Corinna Tsopei, and by three children by his former wife, actress Polly Bergen. He also was married to actress Edith Fellows, who died June 26, 2011. Their child was Kathy Fields Lander.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance KidAmerican Graffiti and Star Wars are just a few of the films he was involved with while at CMA (Creative Management Associates), now known as International Creative Management (ICM).

Over the course of his long career, Fields served variously as a talent agent, agency head, producer, and studio boss. He was a partner in the First Artists production company, founded CMA, and later was involved in this agency's the merger into ICM.

Источник: wikipedia.org

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        ИмяРодствоДата рожденияДата смертиОписание
        1Edith  FellowsEdith Fellowsжена20.05.192326.06.2011
        2Полли  БергенПолли Бергенжена14.07.193020.09.2014
        3Ричард БрайтРичард Брайтколлега28.06.193718.02.2006
        4Питер  СеллерсПитер Селлерсколлега08.09.192524.07.1980
        5Стив МаккуинСтив Маккуинколлега24.03.193007.11.1980
        6Джуди ГарлендДжуди Гарлендколлега10.06.192222.06.1969
        7Мэрилин МонроМэрилин Монроколлега01.06.192605.08.1962
        8Jocelyn  BrandoJocelyn Brandoзнакомый18.11.191927.11.2005

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