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John Theunissen

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Гитарист, Рок-музыкант
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John Theunissen, Dutch guitarist (Pussycat), Died at 66  

John Theunissen died on November 24, 2015, in Netherlands.

He was a Dutch guitarist for the group Pussycat.

J Theunissen played from 1975 to 1980 in the Limburg rock band.

Pussycat part ways in 1985.

The guitarist with the rock band became internationally known by the numbers Mississippi, Georgia and Smile.

The Pussycat, a Dutch country and pop music group from the Netherlands.

There are three members, Kowalczyk sisters: Toni, Betty and Marianne.

Other members of the band included were Lou Willé (Toni’s ex husband), Theo Wetzels, Theo Coumans and John Theunissen.

The group had a massive international smash hit with the beautiful “Mississippi;” the song not only was a #1 hit for four weeks straight in England, but also was a huge hit all over Europe and sold over four million copies worldwide.

John Theunissen passed away at 66 yrs old.

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        ИмяРодствоДата рожденияДата смертиОписание
        1Рик  ОкасекРик Окасекзнакомый23.03.194415.09.2019
        2Лесли  УэстЛесли Уэстзнакомый22.10.194522.12.2020
        3Джимми  ГринспунДжимми Гринспунзнакомый07.02.194811.03.2015

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