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Richard Rosson

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Актер, Кинорежисер
Кладбище «Голливуд навсегда»

Richard Rosson (April 4, 1893 – May 31, 1953) was an American film director and actor. As an actor, he was known for the nearly 100 films he was in during the silent era. As a director, he was a co-director of the 1932 film Scarface.


Rosson's first directorial effort was the 1926 American black and white silent comedy film Fine Manners, initially directed by Lewis Milestone for Famous Players-Lasky/Paramount Pictures. After an argument with actress Gloria Swanson, Milestone walked off the set, leaving the film to be completed by Rosson, who had picked up directorial tricks while working as an assistant director to Allan Dwan. The success of the film, being Rosson's first directorial effort since he co-directed Her Father's Keeper in 1917 with his brother Arthur Rosson, won him a long-term contract with Famous Players-Lasky.

Personal life

Rosson was the younger brother of director Arthur Rosson, his younger sister Helene became a movie actress, and his younger brother Harold became a well known director of photography who won the first Academy Award for color cinematography. He died from suicide from carbon monoxide poisoning at his home in Pacific Palisades, California at the age of 60. He was married to silent film actress and model, Vera Sisson. On May 1, 1939, Rosson was arrested on a charge of espionage in Vienna, Austria, with his wife and two other British nationals, by the Gestapo, allegedly for filming military hardware. They were held in solitary confinement for 34 days and released.

Источник: wikipedia.org

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        ИмяРодствоДата рожденияДата смертиОписание
        1Harold RossonHarold Rossonбрат06.04.189506.09.1988
        2Arthur RossonArthur Rossonбрат24.08.188617.06.1960
        3Helene RossonHelene Rossonсестра14.06.189705.05.1985
        Queenie Rossonсестра24.02.188919.12.1978
        5Джин ХарлоуДжин Харлоусвояченица03.03.191107.06.1937
        6Ashton DearholtAshton Dearholtшурин04.04.189427.04.1942
        7Пол МуниПол Муниколлега22.09.189525.08.1967
        8Теодор РобертсТеодор Робертсколлега08.10.186114.12.1928
        9Бетти КомпсонБетти Компсонколлега19.03.189718.04.1974
        10Рэндольф  СкоттРэндольф Скоттколлега23.01.189802.03.1987
        11Лон ЧейниЛон Чейниколлега01.04.188326.08.1930
        12Grant WithersGrant Withersколлега17.01.190527.03.1959
        13Джеймс  БраунДжеймс Браунколлега22.03.192011.04.1992
        14C. Henry  GordonC. Henry Gordonколлега17.06.188303.12.1940
        15Роберт ТейлорРоберт Тейлорколлега05.08.191108.06.1969
        16Льюис МайлстоунЛьюис Майлстоунколлега30.09.189525.09.1980
        17Бен ХектБен Хектколлега28.02.189418.04.1964
        18Карен МорлиКарен Морликоллега12.12.190908.03.2003
        19Борис КарлоффБорис Карлоффколлега23.11.188702.02.1969
        20Говард ХоуксГовард Хоуксколлега30.05.189626.12.1977
        21Говард ХьюзГовард Хьюзколлега24.12.190505.04.1976
        22Глория СвенсонГлория Свенсонколлега27.03.189904.04.1983

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