
Maksym Shapoval

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Максим Шаповал
Додаткові імена:
Maksims Šapovals,
1 загиблий російсько-українська війни 2014-24, 9 Полковник, Жертва, Жертва теракту, Офіцер, жертва
Встановіть кладовищі

Maksym Shapoval (Ukrainian: Максим Шаповал; died June 27, 2017) was a Colonel in the Ukrainian military and head of the military intelligence special forces. At the time of his death, Shapoval had only recently returned from the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine.

Military Career

Col. Shapoval served 3 years leading special operations forces in combat missions in Eastern Ukraine.


On June 27 2017, Colonel Maksym Shapoval was assassinated in a car bomb attack in central Kiev. At 8:15 (UTC) the Mercedes Benz vehicle he was driving exploded in a detonation, killing him and wounding two bystanders; a female passer-by with shrapnel wounds to her leg and an elderly man with wounds to his neck. Kiev police have branded the incident a "terrorist attack"; Russian intelligence is suspected to be behind the car bomb.


немає місць


        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Денис ВороненковДенис ВороненковНачальник10.04.197123.03.2017
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