
Serge Mdivani

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Georgian Nobleman.

He fled with his siblings to Paris at the time of the Russian Revolution. Along with his two brothers and two sisters they became known as the "Marrying Mdivanis" because they all chose wealthy and well-known spouses.

His brothers' wives included Barbara Hutton and actress Mae Murray, and one of his sisters married a son of writer Arthur Conan Doyle. Mdivani married actress Pola Negri in 1927 but left her after she lost her money in the 1929 stock market crash; they were divorced in 1931. His second marriage, to opera singer Mary McCormick, lasted from 1931 to 1933. In February 1936 Mdivani married the ex-wife of his late brother Alexis, the former Louise Van Alen, a member of the Astor family. A month later he was killed during a polo match when the horse he was riding fell and kicked him in the head. (bio by: Jen Snoots)

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Захарий МдиваниЗахарий МдиваниБатько05.09.186718.04.1933
        Елизавета СоболевскаяМама
        3Alexis MdivaniAlexis MdivaniБрат00.00.190500.00.1935
        4David Z. MdivaniDavid Z. MdivaniБрат14.02.190405.08.1984
        5Изабель МдиваниИзабель МдиваниСестра07.07.190516.12.1938
        6Louise Astor SaundersonLouise Astor SaundersonДружина, Свояченица10.05.191030.12.1997
        7Пола НеґріПола НеґріДружина03.01.189701.08.1987
        8Mae MurrayMae MurrayСвояченица10.05.188523.03.1965
        9Barbara HuttonBarbara HuttonСвояченица14.11.191211.05.1979
        10Josep Maria SertJosep Maria SertШурин21.12.187427.11.1945

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