
Bolesław Biegas

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Bolesław Biegas, Bolesław Biegalski
Письменник, Художник, скульптор
Montmorency, Cmentarz Les Champeaux

Bolesław Biegas (1877–1954) was a Polish surrealist artist (painter and sculptor), best known for his "vampire-as-femme fatale" style of painting. Biegas was born in Koziczyn, Poland, and studied art under Konstanty Laszczka at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.

Biegas created a small museum for his art in Paris, France, called the Musée Boleslas Biegas. It is located within the Bibliothèque polonaise de Paris in the 4th arrondissement of Paris at 6, Quai d'Orléans.

The museum was established by Biegas in 1950, and contains his own paintings and sculpture, as well as those of other Polish artists active from the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century, including Olga Boznańska and Tadeusz Makowski. The museum occupies one room in the Bibliothèque Polonaise à Paris, which also houses the Musée Adam Mickiewicz and the Salon Frédéric Chopin. Guided visits are available Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings by prior appointment; an admission fee is charged.



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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Ольга БознанськаОльга БознанськаДруг15.04.186526.10.1940
        2Konstanty LaszczkaKonstanty LaszczkaУчитель03.09.186523.03.1956

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