
Wojciech Borowik

Wojciech Borowik (24 June 1956 – 22 December 2020) was a Polish politician who served as a member of the Sejm. 

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        04.06.1989 | Polish legislative election 1989

        The Polish legislative election of 1989 was the tenth election to the Sejm, the parliament of the Polish People's Republic, and the first election to the recreated Senate of Poland. The first round took place on 4 June, right after the 1989 June 4th Beijing Tiananmen Square massacre in China, with a second round on 18 June. It was the closest thing to a free election in the country since 1928, and the first since the Communist Polish United Workers Party abandoned its monopoly of power in April.

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        09.12.1990 | Lehs Valensa uzvar Prezidenta vēlēšanās Polijā

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        31.12.2020 | 2020.gadā mirušie

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