
Diana Lebedeva

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Диана Лебедева
Жертва катастрофи
Встановіть кладовищі
The granddaughter of a disgraced businessman Platon Lebedev died in Switzerland during a race.

According to foreign media reports, November 24, in Switzerland, in the district of Lugano, in the lake fell the car, which was 19-the summer girl and 23-year-old man, both died.

The deceased Diana Lebedeva was the granddaughter of businessman Platon Lebedev, the former Chairman of the Board of Directors of group “Menatep” and the defendant in a criminal case of Yukos.

The girl and her young man was racing on the highway from Lugano to Geneva. Behind the wheel was a young man who lost control, the car struck a guardrail and flew to lake Lugano. The car was raised from the seabed with special equipment.

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