
Moises A. Navas

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Дата народження:

Дата смерті:
Військова людина, Капітан, Офіцер
Встановіть кладовищі

The Marines died March 8, 2020 while supporting Iraqi Security Forces in north central Iraq — Gunnery Sgt. Diego D. Pongo, 34, of Simi Valley, California and Capt. Moises A. Navas, 34, of Germantown, Maryland.

The two Marines were

“killed by enemy forces while advising and accompanying Iraqi Security Forces during a mission to eliminate an ISIS terrorist stronghold in a mountainous area of north central Iraq,” 

Marine Raider Regiment Commanding Officer Col. John Lynch said,

“They were intelligent, courageous, and loyal. They were dedicated leaders, true professionals in their craft, and willing to go above and beyond for the mission and their team. They were not just leaders today, they were both on the path to be our organizations leaders in the future. They were also family men, adoring husbands and fathers.”

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Diego D. PongoDiego D. PongoТовариш08.03.2020
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