
Hassan Sayyad Khodayari

Дата народження:

Дата смерті:
Додаткові імена:
Хасан Саид Ходаяри
9 Полковник, Військова людина, Жертва теракту
Встановіть кладовищі

Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) says one of its members has been assassinated in the capital Tehran by gunmen riding on two motorcycles, according to the state news agency IRNA.

Al Jazeera’s Ali Hashem said that the IRGC issued a statement on Sunday saying Hassan Sayyad Khodayari was assassinated by the enemy of the revolution. He said that Khodayari was a member of the Quds Force (which is responsible for the IRGC’s foreign operations) who served in Syria in the past years.

The Al Jazeera correspondent said in a few hours we will start to know about Khodayari and what he was doing in Syria, and the message behind this assassination.

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