
Rotem Kutz

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Жертва, Жертва теракту, жертва ІДІЛ
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Aviv (54), Livnat (49), Rotem (19), Yonatan (17), and Yiftach (15) Kutz were murdered by Hamas terrorists in their home in Kfar Aza on October, 7, 2023. An entire family was wiped out.

After initially counted among the missing, neighbors from the kibbutz found them together in a bed, with father Aviv providing a protective embrace.

Livnat, who was supposed to celebrate her 50th birthday this month, was born during the Yom Kippur War. She was a graphic designer who launched an educational initiative called Workshop that integrated ancient handcrafts into school curriculums in the Shaar Hanegev region in Israel’s south.

Aviv was deputy director of a consulting firm and also engaged in agricultural work.

Daughter Rotem was a soldier who trained new recruits. Sons Yonatan and Yiftach were students at the Kfar Hayarok boarding school in Ramat Hasharon and basketball players in the Hapoel youth program. They dreamed of going professional.

“They were all amazing kids with huge hearts. They had their whole lives ahead of them,” said their aunt Adi Levy Salama told a Hebrew media outlet.

Salama shared that the family had returned to Kfar Aza after several years in Boston.

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Aviv KutzAviv KutzБатько00.00.196907.10.2023
        2Livnat KutzLivnat KutzМама00.00.197307.10.2023
        3Yiftach KotzYiftach KotzБрат00.00.200807.10.2023
        4Yonatan KutzYonatan KutzБрат00.00.200607.10.2023
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