
Maciej Kuroń

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Maciej Kuroń
Журналіст, Кухар
Варшава, Повонзківський цвинтар

Maciej Kuroń (born 8 March 1960 in Warsaw, died 25 December 2008 in Izabelin), was a Polish journalist and culinary publicist. He was a host of television culinary shows, which made him very popular in Poland. He was the son of Jacek Kuroń.

In 1980, as a student of Pedagogical College in Olsztyn, Kuroń represented Olsztyn's students in Warsaw's Founding Committee of the Independent Students Union. During the martial law in Poland, he was in 1982 expelled from college by Communist authorities. Later, he studied at The Culinary Institute of America, and in 1998 became host of a TV show Cook together with Kuroń, presented by the TVN. He also authored several cookbooks, including Polish Cuisine.

A father of four, Kuroń died unexpectedly of acute heart failure, on 25 December 2008 at his home in Izabelin near Warsaw. He was buried on 7 January 2009, at the Powązki Cemetery. On the same day, President Lech Kaczynski awarded him the Officer's Cross of the Polonia Restituta "for outstanding achievements in his work for democratic change in Poland and for his involvement in shaping the social attitudes of the Poles".



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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Я́цек Ку́роньЯ́цек Ку́роньБатько03.03.193417.06.2004
        Grażyna KurońМама02.01.194023.11.1982

        17.02.1981 | Zarejestrowano Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów (NZS).

        Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów (NZS) – stowarzyszenie studentów powstałe 22 września 1980 w wyniku wydarzeń i strajków robotniczych z sierpnia 1980, będących sprzeciwem społeczeństwa wobec ówczesnego reżimu politycznego w Polsce.

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