
Renee Radziwon Chapman

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Renee Radziwon-Chapman, who recently became a mother for the first time, was believed to be alone in the enclosure when she was attacked Saturday at the WildCat Haven Sanctuary. Staff members must work in groups of two until the cats are locked out, the rules say.

She had worked as head keeper of the sanctuary for eight years.

Radziwon-Chapman was killed by a cougar, and the cougar to blame was locked up after the incident.

“Her relationship with the cats was amazing,” sanctuary board member Jim Caliva told the Oregonian. “She knew exactly what she was doing, but apparently there was a mistake. I don’t know what it could be."

We are devastated by this loss," said Cheryl Tuller, executive director of the sanctuary. "Not only was she one of our most dedicated staff members, we thought of her as family. We send our most heartfelt prayers to those she has left behind.”

Radziwon-Chapman's husband, Aaron Chapman, had also volunteered at the facility in the past and the two recently had a baby girl. 

WildCat Haven was started in 2001 by Cheryl and Michael Tuller who rescued one bobcat but their sanctuary has now grown to shelter 67 Cats. For the past eight years, Radziwon-Chapman has served as the head keeper at the facility and is also a certified tech. 

As the sanctuary's first employee, Radziwon-Chapman has spoken to the media on behalf of the facility before.

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