
Władysław Zamoyski

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Władysław Zamoyski
Граф, Офіцер, громадський діяч, мандрівник
Встановіть кладовищі

Count Władysław Zamoyski (1853–1924) was a Polish nobleman (szlachcic), owner of Kórnik, Głuchów, Janusz, Babin and Bargów (estates in the Grand Duchy of Poznań) as well as Zakopane and the Polish part of the Tatra Mountains.

He was born in Paris and studied in École Polytechnique. As a representative of the French government, he travelled to Australia and Oceania.

Activity in Poland

Zamoyski moved to Poland when he inherited Kórnik (with the castle, library and arboretum) and other properties from his uncle, Jan Kanty Działyński in 1881. In 1885, as a French citizen, he was expelled from Kórnik by Prussians and consequently moved to Zakopane. In 1889 he bought a large part of the Tatra Mountains,. He travelled back to France and returned to Poland in 1920.

With his sister, Maria Zamoyska, he initiated many charitable and educational institutions. Both of them never married. In his testament, he granted all his properties to the Polish nation and initiated the creation of the Institute of Dendrology in Kórnik.



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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Władysław ZamoyskiWładysław ZamoyskiБатько00.00.180311.01.1868

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