
Jack Fitzsimons

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Jack Fitzsimons (26 April 1930 – 4 November 2014) was a chartered architect and surveyor based in Kells. He was a former Fianna Fáil member of Seanad Éireann, who was elected to the Seanad in 1983 by the Industrial and Commercial Panel, and re-elected in 1987. He lost his seat at the 1989 election. He resigned from Fianna Fail in 1989 and subsequently ran as an independent candidate for the European elections in 1994, securing 6,752 votes based on a manifesto which included a strong anti hunting and hare coursing policy. He continued as activist against aspects of planning including the approach of Meath County Council to regulation of septic tanks.


He is well known for publishing Bungalow Bliss under the Kells Arts Studio label. There was a strong social context to this publication as at the time, architects’ fees were high and the book was intended to make affordable designs available at a low cost. Bungalow Bliss, which was first published in 1971 and reprinted 10 times, explained the detail of all aspects of building a bungalow, from planning laws to how to put in a septic tank. It has been often been mistakenly cited as a primary reason for the proliferation of one off housing.

It is a phrase that entered common parlance in mainsteam media and was referenced in books such as the Popes Children. He responded directly to the various controversies that grew up around Bungalow Bliss in his book called Bungalow Bashing.

He also published a further range of books on aspects of Meath, heritage, and politics as well as some fiction.

Publications included a history of his own native parish of Kilbeg in County Meath.


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