
Józef Hauke-Bosak

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Jozef Bossak-Hauké, Józef Hauke-Bosak
Граф, Полководець
Встановіть кладовищі

Count Józef Hauke-Bosak (March 19, 1834, Saint Petersburg – January 21, 1871) was a Polish general in the January Uprising, and commander of the Polish army in Lesser Poland, the closest collaborator of rebellion leader Romuald Traugutt. He fought many successful battles against the Russians in this region. He fled Poland after the Uprising collapsed in 1864. He died in the post of commander of brigade in the French army at Vosges, during the Franco-Prussian war in 1871.



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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Johann Moritz HaukeJohann Moritz HaukeДядя26.10.177529.11.1830
        2Prinz Heinrich von BattenbergPrinz Heinrich von BattenbergПлемінник05.10.185820.01.1896
        3Julia HaukeJulia HaukeДвоюродный брат/сестра24.11.182519.09.1895

        22.01.1863 | The January Uprising

        The January Uprising (Polish: powstanie styczniowe, Lithuanian: 1863 m. sukilimas, Belarusian: Паўстанне 1863-1864 гадоў) was an uprising in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (present-day Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia, parts of Ukraine, and western Russia) against the Russian Empire. It began on 22 January 1863 and lasted until the last rebels were captured in 1865.

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