
Robert Balser

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R.I.P. Animator Robert Balser, an animator who co-directed the cartoon sequences of the Beatles' 1968 musical fantasy film Yellow Submarine, passes Away at 88.

Sad news to report as it’s been confirmed that animator Robert Balser has passed away at 88, according to AWN. His wife explains that he passed away from respiratory failure complications at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles.

HEAVY METAL (1981 Original Theatrical Trailer)

Balser was known for being the animation director for The Beatles’ film The Yellow Submarine but I knew him for being the director of the “Den” segment in the 1981 sci-fi/horror animated film Heavy Metal. I grew up with that movie and I know that it helped shape my understanding of how appearances can be deceiving. After all, a cartoon that wasn’t meant for children? That was an alien thought to me until I sat down with this movie. Furthermore, the “Den” segment spoke to me on a personal level as it showed a bullied weakling becoming someone important, someone valued. While I’m not as muscular as Den turned out to be, it’s still a rather inspiring story of courage and personal growth.

Rest in peace, Mr. Balser. Thanks for the memories.


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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Aretha Louise  FranklinAretha Louise FranklinЗнакомый25.03.194216.08.2018

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