
Oscar Feltsman

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Оскар Борисович Фельцман
Zusätzliche namen:
Оскар Фельцман, Oskars Felcmans, Оска́р Бори́сович Фе́льцман
Komponist, Pianist, Volkskünstler der Russischen Föderation
Der Nowodewitschi-Friedhof

Oscar Borisovich Feltsman (Russian: Оскар Борисович Фельцман; b. February 18, 1921, Odessa - died February 3, 2013, Moscow) is a Soviet/Russian composer, father of Vladimir Feltsman.




Son of Boris Osipovich Feltsman an orthopedic surgeon also played the piano professionally, Feltsman had musical training from the age of five; learning the violin as a pupil of Pyotr Stolyarsky and the piano with Bertha Reynbald, who was also the teacher of Emil Gilels & Tatiana Goldfarb. He produced his first musical composition for the piano "Autumn" when he was six years old. Feltsman graduated from the Pyotr Stolyarsky Music School in Odessa in 1939, where he studied composition with the composer Nikolai Vilinsky. Then Feltsman was admitted to the Moscow Conservatory, studying underVissarion Shebalin who wrote a letter of thanks on behalf of the Moscow Conservatory to Vilinsky for teaching Feltsman composition.

During the Great Patriotic War Feltsman was evacuated to Novosibirsk, becoming at 20 the executive secretary of Siberian Union of Composers, where he wrote music for the philharmonic, Leningrad Alexandrinsky Theater & Jewish theater of Belarus. In the same period Feltsman wrote an operetta based on Valentin Kataev's play "Blue Scarf", which was criticised in the newspaper "Pravda". In 1941, Oscar Feltsman married Evgenia Kaydanovskaya a student of the choral conducting faculty of the Moscow Conservatory. He returned to Moscow from Novisibirsk in 1945.

Starting with musical comedies at the beginning of his career, Feltsman subsequently combined producing traditional classical music with writing music for circuses and children's variety shows. After around 1952 Feltsman started to write popular songs such as and later on produced a number of popular songs. The first of these was Cruise based on poems by B. Dragunsky and L. Davidovich and performed by Leonid Utyosov as well as Convallarias which was based on poetry by Olga Fadeeva.

In 1948, at the Operetta Theatre in Moscow his musical comedy Air castle was premiered and in 1952, were two further premieres - at the Operetta Theater Suvorochka and at the Stanislavsky Theater Mediterranean Sea Make a Noise. Around this time Feltsman also began to write music for Circuses and children's's variety shows, staged by Natalia Sats. Also in 1952, Feltsman wrote his Violin Concerto in three parts. Thereafter he wrote a few songs - the first of these was Cruise based on poems by B. Dragunsky and L. Davidovich and performed by Leonid Utyosov. Feltsman subsequently went on to collaborate with a number of prominent Russian poets including Andrey Voznesensky, Rasul Gamzatov, Eugene Dolmatovsky, Mihail Matusovsky, I. Kohanovsky, Mark Lisyansky, Lev Oshanin, Robert Rozhdestvensky, V. Kharitonov, I. Shaferan, M. Tanich, V. Orlov, N. Olev, M. Ryabinin. His music has been performed by notable singers including L. Utesov, Mark Bernes, Vladimir Troshin, Joseph Kobzon, Muslim Magomaev, Edita Piekha, E. Hil, V. Tolkunova, Yuri Gulyaev, G. Ots, Lev Leshchenko, O. Anofriev, M. Pahomenko, & L. Serebrennikov.

Most popular song received "Convallarias", written in verse Olga Fadeeva and for the first time sung by Gelena Velikanova. Because of this song Feltsman has been opale for 23 years.

In 1973, Feltsman wrote music for the plays Charley's AuntThe Old Houses and Let the Guitar Play. In the mid-1980s, Feltsman arranged concerts for the instrumental ensemble The Lights of Moscow with soloist Irina Allegrova before handing over to David Tuhmanov after two successful years.

In 1987, Feltsman wrote his vocal cycle Songs of Bygone, based on Jewish folk songs and produced the book Songs of Bygone

In the late 1990s Feltsman wrote 12 songs based on poetry by Yuri Garin which was performed in Odessa to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the city.

Feltsman has written a number of chamber works: Ten romances on the poems of Inna LisnyanskayaThe cycle of romances on the poetry of Marina TsvetaevaThe cycle of songs on poems Hayyim Nahman Bialik.


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        05.06.1954 | Открылся Московский театр эстрады

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        08.02.1991 | Авторский вечер Оскара Фельцмана

        Событие демократической оттепели в России. На концерте была исполнена песня - Позапрошлая. Слова напечатаны ниже и из-за них публичному исполнению позже была запрещена.

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