
The Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union

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Nikolskaya ulitsa, 23, Moskva, Krievija, 109012
Politische Gebiet:
Institution, prison / deportated / labor camp

The Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union (Russian: Военная коллегия Верховного суда СССР) was created in 1924 to the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union as a court for the higher military and political personnel of Red Army and Fleet. In addition it was an immediate supervisor of military tribunals and the supreme authority of military appeals.

During 1926–1948 the Chairman of the Collegium was Vasili Ulrikh.

The role of the Military Collegium drastically changed since June 1934, when it was assigned the duty to consider cases that fell under Article 58, counter-revolutionary activity.

During the Great Purge of 1937–1938 the Military Collegium tried relatively prominent figures, usually based on the lists approved personally by Joseph Stalin, the majority of Article 58 cases having been processed extrajudicially by NKVD Troikas. In particular, the Military Collegium conducted the major Soviet show trials.


Assigned Personen

Vārds Dzimis Miris Langs
keine AngabeСардион НадараяСардион Надарая00.00.1903ru
keine AngabeErnests MačsErnests Mačs00.00.189800.00.1945lv, ru
keine AngabeVsevolods MeierholdsVsevolods Meierholds09.02.187402.02.1940lv, ru
keine AngabeVasiliy UlrikhVasiliy Ulrikh13.07.188907.05.1951en, lv, pl, ru
keine AngabeIsaak BabelIsaak Babel13.07.189427.01.1940en, lv, ru
keine AngabeIvan KataevIvan Kataev00.00.190219.08.1937en, lv, ru
keine AngabeLev Kamenev (Rosenfeld)Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld)18.07.188325.08.1936en, lv, ru
keine AngabeNadezhda Lukina-BuharinaNadezhda Lukina-Buharina00.00.188709.03.1940en, lv, ru
keine AngabeWassili  BlochinWassili Blochin00.12.189503.02.1955de, en, fr, lv, pl, ru, se, ua
keine AngabePēteris MagoPēteris Mago00.00.187926.04.1941lv, ru
keine AngabeNikolai BukharinNikolai Bukharin09.10.188815.03.1938en, lv, ru
keine AngabeMihail TuhachevskijMihail Tuhachevskij16.02.189312.06.1937en, lv, pl, ru
keine AngabeGrigori SinowjewGrigori Sinowjew23.09.188325.08.1936de, en, fr, lv, pl, ru
keine AngabeAndrejs VišinskisAndrejs Višinskis10.12.188322.11.1954lv, pl, ru

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