
Ēriks Lācis

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Ēriks Lācis was born 28.06.1938. businesman, he was active in social activities , he was related to political organisations in Latviaand participated in different activities in the territory of Latvia until 2005.

According to information from SIA Lursoft, and to publications from mass-media and internet, Ēriks Lācis was related to following organisations:

He died at the age of 66 years, in 2005.

More information about person with name Ēriks Lācis you could find in News Library news.lv. NB! All persons with the same name would be found.

His / her died in Latvia, in Rīga

Sources: Mass-media, internet resources, news.lv, lursoft.lv

Source: wikipedia.org, lursoft.lv

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Rīgas KinostudijaRīgas Kinostudijalv, ru


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