
Ernests Brastins

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I want to be Latvian for the sake of humanity.

With the extinction of my people, humanity will lose one of its forms of human expression.

No one else will ever be able to do what the Latvian people will do.

For the sake of humanity, I consider it my duty to be a Latvian.

E. Brastins


Scientist, historian, folklorist.

Graduated from Stieglitz School of Arts in St Peterburg, Russia

Oficeer during 1st World War in Russian Imperial army, later In Latvian Army.

In interwar period of Latvia's independence, collected folklore, did fild work to measure and make documentation for all known (that time) Larvian hillforts. Tried to reconstruct pre-Christian religion system of Latvians ("Dievturība")

Deported and executed (shot) by Russian Communist rule, after Latvia's occupation in 1940



Source: wikipedia.org, news.lv

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        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        Augusts BrastiņšFather11.03.186629.03.1948
        2Hermīne BrastiņaHermīne BrastiņaMother27.06.186429.05.1949
        3Vilnis BrastiņšVilnis BrastiņšSon16.05.192825.08.2007
        4Austrums BrastiņšAustrums BrastiņšSon00.00.192228.11.1942
        5Arvīds BrastiņšArvīds BrastiņšBrother13.02.189315.11.1984
        6Irma BrastiņaIrma BrastiņaSister05.09.189505.12.1990
        7Auguste AnsoneAuguste AnsoneSister29.01.189928.12.1992
        8Ella SodumaElla SodumaSister05.09.189501.04.1979
        9Velta Medaine - BrastiņaVelta Medaine - BrastiņaWife03.09.191118.03.1939
        10Milda Emīlija SkrastiņaMilda Emīlija SkrastiņaWife05.09.190001.08.1985
        11Auseklis BrastiņšAuseklis BrastiņšNephew27.07.192525.02.2010
        12Dzintars SodumsDzintars SodumsNephew13.05.192218.05.2008
        Alnis AnsonsNephew26.03.192830.07.2015
        Venta RulleNiece25.05.193021.08.2010
        Gaisma JakrinaNiece04.04.193328.06.2023
        16Jēkabs VāgnersJēkabs VāgnersFather in-law27.08.185908.04.1942
        17Emīlija VāgnereEmīlija VāgnereMother in-law18.11.187214.06.1944
        18Dagmāra Izolde BrastiņaDagmāra Izolde BrastiņaDaughter in-law00.00.192529.09.1967
        Māra GrīnaSister in-law13.04.192728.12.2017
        20Milda BrastiņaMilda BrastiņaSister in-law08.09.189623.02.1991
        Andrejs SodumsBrother in-law00.00.188704.12.1941
        22Fricis AnsonsFricis AnsonsBrother in-law28.10.189907.01.1941
        23Edgars Viktors BrastiņšEdgars Viktors BrastiņšGrandson09.11.196115.01.2002
        24Jēkabs BīneJēkabs BīneFriend11.04.189524.10.1955
        25Helmūts MarkvartsHelmūts MarkvartsFriend25.04.189406.10.1938
        26Jānis MedenisJānis MedenisFriend31.05.190310.05.1961
        27Jūlijs BračsJūlijs BračsCoworker21.05.190913.05.1984
        Heinrihs RūsisCoworker12.08.188000.00.1941
        Lilija L. KlucisStudent23.03.191027.12.2017
        30Jānis RītiņšJānis RītiņšStudent19.01.191011.11.1973
        31Auguste  Siliņa - BelteAuguste Siliņa - BelteStudent00.00.190900.00.1966
        32Viktors EglītisViktors EglītisIdea mate15.04.187720.04.1945
        33Augusts ApsītisAugusts ApsītisIdea mate14.08.188031.03.1932
        34Alfrēds GobaAlfrēds GobaIdea mate23.11.188931.01.1972
        Jēkabs StumbrisIdea mate15.07.190914.06.1943
        36Vilis VeldreVilis VeldreIdea mate20.09.190817.09.1940
        37Artūrs SalaksArtūrs SalaksIdea mate20.04.189131.10.1984

        02.12.1924 | The Archives of Latvian Folklore (LFK) founded

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        10.09.1941 | Apzināti 1941.gadā lielinieku aizvestie vai pazudušie rakstnieki un žurnālisti

        Latviešu rakstniecībai lielinieku iebrukums Latvijā, laupījis daudzus jaunākās un vecākās paaudzes autorus: rakstniekus un žurnālistus.

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