
Jurijs Danilko

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Jurijs Danilko was born 23.05.1947. he was active in business in the territory of Latvia.

According to information from SIA Lursoft, and to publications from mass-media and internet, Jurijs Danilko was related to following organisations:

Jurijs Danilko died at the age of 68, in 2015.

More information about person with name Jurijs Danilko you could find in News Library news.lv. NB! All persons with the same name would be found.

Sources: Mass-media, internet resources, lursoft.lv, news.lv


Source: lursoft.lv

No places


        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        1Mihails SoifersMihails SoifersFamiliar22.09.196218.10.2021
        2Valentīna  ZeileValentīna ZeileFamiliar01.03.193718.08.2018
        3Marks  DubovskisMarks DubovskisFamiliar18.03.2018
        4Valery MaliginValery MaliginFamiliar05.05.196509.12.2017
        5Jurijs KreslovsJurijs KreslovsFamiliar08.12.195526.06.2015
        6Janis DavisJanis DavisFamiliar26.06.195623.04.2015

        No events set
