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Evgeniya Brik

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Inne nazwiska/pseudonimy:
Jevgēņija Brik, Евгения Брик, Евге́ния Влади́мировна Брик, Евгения Брик, Хири́вская
aktor, model/ka, pianista
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Evgeniya Brik (Russian: Евгения Брик, maiden name Khirivskaya (Хиривская), 3 September 1981 – 10 February 2022) was a Russian actress, best known for playing Kalinka in the Belgian television series Matroesjka's.

Life and career

Evgenia Vladimirovna Khirivskaya was born on 3 September 1981 in Moscow. She was named after her paternal grandfather Yevgeny Abramovich Krein, who was once a famous journalist. The actress took the surname Brik in honor of her paternal great-grandmother Sofia Brik, as a stage name. She has Polish and Jewish ancestry.

She studied at the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts and obtained her diploma in 2004.

Personal life and death

Brik was married to director Valery Todorovsky, with whom she had a daughter, Zoey Valeryevna Todorovskaya, born in 2009. Zoey had her acting debut as young Prairie Johnson in The OA, a 2016 Netflix Original series. She died from cancer on 10 February 2022, at the age of 40.

Źródło informacji: wikipedia.org

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