
Roger Agnelli

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Roger Agnelli  was a Brazilian entrepreneur who, from 2001 to 2011, was president of Vale SA.

Top landmarks management Roger Agnelli at Vale:

2003 - Vale becomes the largest private company in Latin America.

2005 - Vale becomes the first Brazilian company to obtain the investment grade. It was the first time the rating agencies awarded to a Brazilian company a rating higher than the sovereign risk of the country.

2006 - Vale purchased Inco Canadian, the largest acquisition ever made by a Latin American company.

2007 - It goes from fourth to second largest mining company in the world.

2008 - It is the only Latin American company listed in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index.

2009 - Vale launches cornerstone of Moatize coal project in Mozambique and pelletizing in Oman. Roger Agnelli is considered one of the 100 most influential Brazilians of 2009.

2010 - Vale list its shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

2011 - In 10 years of Roger Agnelli management, Vale shares are valued 1.583%.

Agnelli died in a plane crash in Sao Paulo on March 19, 2016.


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