
Bart Migom

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Жертва теракту, Учень, жертва ІДІЛ
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Howest International Vakar plkst. 2:37 ·

Howest email announcement 25 March 2016.

Dear students,
Dear colleagues,

This morning we received the sad news from Bart's parents that Bart Migom, second-year Marketing student at Howest, has passed away.
Last night he has been identified as one of the victims of Tuesday's atrocious acts of terror.

Our thought go out to Bart's family, and we convey our deepest sympathies to his parents, brother and sister. In particular also his brother Levi and his cousin Benjamin, who are also members of the Howest community.

We, his fellow students, colleagues and friends are deeply affected by this loss. More than ever it is important to support each other, to find comfort and strength in our memories of Bart.

Lode De Geyter,
Managing Director Howest.

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