
Nicolas Leslie

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Жертва, Учень, жертва ІДІЛ
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Nicolas Leslie, a UC Berkeley student who had been studying in Nice, France, as part of the campus’s Study Abroad program, has been identified as among the 84 people killed in Thursday’s terrorist attack in the French port city.

Leslie, 20, was one of 85 participants in a local summer entrepreneurship program in Nice. Unaccounted for since the truck attack, in which another 200 were injured — including three Berkeley students — he had been the subject of an extensive search by university staff, local officials and family.

His death was reported to campus officials by the FBI, which was notified by its French counterparts earlier today.

“This is tragic, devastating news,” UC Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks said. “All of us in the UC Berkeley family — both here on campus, and around the world — are heartbroken to learn that another promising young student has been lost to senseless violence. I join Nick’s parents, friends and the entire campus community in condemning this horrific attack, and in mourning the loss of one of our own.”

Leslie’s death comes on the heels of a terrorist attack at a restaurant in Dhaka, Bangladesh, just two weeks ago, that took the life of 18-year-old Berkeley sophomore Tarishi Jain.

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        14.07.2016 | Terror Attack in Nice, France. Over 80 dead

        The southern French city of Nice was on lockdown amid fears of a terror attack after a truck drove into a large crowd during Bastille Day celebrations Thursday night, officials said.

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