
Emil Krukowicz-Przedrzymirski

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Emil Krukowicz-Przedrzymirski
Військова людина, Дворянин, Полководець, Учасник Другої світової війни, Учасник Першої світової війни
 чех, поляк
Встановіть кладовищі

Emil Krukowicz-Przedrzymirski also known as Emil Karol Przedrzymirski de Krukowicz (1886-1957) was a Polish general.

Krukowicz-Przedrzymirski was born in 1886. He began military service as an artillery officer in the Austro-Hungarian Army during World War I. He joined the Polish Army in 1918 and fought in the Polish Soviet War. During the war, Krukowicz-Przedrzymirski received the Virtuti Militari medal for valor. He was promoted to general in 1931. He served as the commander of the Army Modlin during the Invasion of Poland in 1939. He was captured by German troops and spent the rest of World War II as a prisoner. After being liberated by the Western Allies at the end of the war, he remained in emigration for the rest of his life (first in Great Britain, later in Canada). He died in 1957.

Honours and awards

  • Silver Cross of the Virtuti Militari
  • Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta
  • Gold Cross of Merit
  • Commemorative Medal for War 1918-1921
  • Regained Independence Medal of the Decade
  • Silver Medal for Long Service
  • Gold Badge of Honour Polish Combatants Association
  • Commander's Cross of the Order of the Star of Romania
  • Commander's Cross with Star of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary



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        01.09.1939 | Battle of Mława

        The Battle of Mława, otherwise known as the Defence of the Mława position, took place to the north of the town of Mława in northern Poland between September 1 and September 3, 1939. It was one of the opening battles of the Invasion of Poland and World War II in general. It was fought between the forces of the Polish Modlin Army under General Krukowicz-Przedrzymirski and the German 3rd Army under General Georg von Küchler.

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