
Zbigniew Wodecki

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Zbigniew Wodecki
Aктор, Музикант, Співак
Kraków, Friedhof Rakowicki

Zbigniew Wodecki (6 May 1950 – 22 May 2017) was a Polish singer, musician, composer, actor and TV presenter.

Early life & Career

Wodecki was born on May 6, 1950 in Kraków, Poland. He started to play violin at the age of five. As a singer, he debuted in 1972 on National Festival of Polish Song in Opole. He is mostly known for songs “Chałupy Welcome To”, “Lubię wracać tam, gdzie byłem”, “Zacznij od Bacha” or the Polish versions of the Maya the Honey Bee, The Gummi Bears and the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie soundtracks. In 80’s he performed in a cabaret with Zenon Laskowik. He was one of the judges on the Polish version of the Dancing with the Stars show, Taniec z gwiazdami, during its first twelve seasons.

Health problems and death

In 2014, Wodecki revealed that he has atrial fibrillation and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. On May 8, 2017, the artist suffered a massive stroke, a complication from bypass surgery he had at a private clinic, on May 5, 2017; and was taken to intensive care at Central Clinical Hospital of the MSWiA in Warsaw, where he died 13 days later, of complications from a stroke.

Personal life

He was married to Krystyna, with whom he had three children: Joanna, Katarzyna and Pawel.



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