
Heather Alvarado

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Alvarado, a mother of three, was married to a firefighter in Cedar City. 


Heather Alvarado, her husband, Albert has asked that we pass along the following:

Heather is 35 years old. They have three children. She always saw the good in others. She spent her whole life serving others in her family and community. She and Albert loved traveling with their children and went on many trips, cruises and day trips, too many to mention. She was happiest when she was together with her family, especially her children and she would do ANYTHING for them. They appreciate your many words of kindness and concern.

They are still grieving and appreciate you honoring their request for privacy. As a reminder there are several on-going fundraising efforts. State Bank of Southern Utah has an account open in Heather’s name where 100% of the money will go to Albert and the family. The Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary is also selling cook books that they have made to help the family. They are available at the Fire Station located at 291 N 800 W in Cedar City.


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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Stephen  PaddockStephen PaddockЗлочинець09.04.195302.10.2017
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