
Crystal Holcombe

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Crystal Holcombe, Marc Daniel Holcombe, Noah Holcombe, Karla Holcombe and Bryan Holcombe

At least eight members of an extended family were killed on Sunday.

Crystal Holcombe, three of her children, and her in-laws, Karla, Marc, Noah and Bryan Holcombe, were among those killed in Sunday’s church attack.

Crystal, who was eight months pregnant, died with her unborn child and three of her children, Emily, Megan and Greg, the Washington Post reports. Her husband, John Holcombe, survived with two of her other children.

Bryan Holcombe, who was an associate pastor in the church, was walking up to the pulpit when Kelley opened fire. His parents, Joe and Claryce Holcombe, told the Postthat John was killed in the shooting along with his wife Karla.

Bryan and Karla’s 26-year-old son, Marc Daniel Holcombe, was killed with his infant daughter, Noah Holcombe.

“This is unimaginable. My father was a good man, and he loved to preach. He had a good heart,” Scott Holcombe, Bryan’s son told the New York Times.

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        Greg HolcombeСин05.11.2017
        Megan HolcombeДочка05.11.2017
        Emily HolcombeДочка05.11.2017
        5Bryan HolcombeBryan HolcombeСвикровь/тесть00.00.195705.11.2017
        6Karla HolcombeKarla HolcombeСвекор/теща00.00.195905.11.2017
        Marc Daniel HolcombeШурин00.00.199105.11.2017
        8Devin KelleyDevin KelleyЗлочинець00.00.199105.11.2017
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