
Arnaud Martin

Дата народження:
Дата смерті:
Вбивця, Офіцер, Поліцейський
Встановіть кладовищі

The Paris officer, Arnaud Martin, finished his shift on Saturday evening and went to meet his girlfriend in Sarcelles, a suburb north of the capital city, to discuss ending their relationship.

But after an argument broke out, Martin shot the young woman in the face and killed two men who were nearby, aged 30 and 44, one of whom had tried to intervene, said Eric Corbaux, prosecutor for the Pontoise department, said.

He then went to his girlfriend's home just a few yards away, where he killed the girl's father and seriously injured her mother in the throat.

He also shot the woman's sister in the leg and killed the family dog.

The attacker was later found "dead from a gunshot wound to the head, his gun in his hand, in the back of the garden," Corbaux said.

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