
Bruno Charles de Kooman

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Bruno Charles de Kooman
Додаткові імена:
Bruno Šarls de Kūmans
Жертва катастрофи, жертва
Встановіть кладовищі

According to Telegram-channel Mash, the senior executive of Novolipetsk Steel Plant (NLMK) Bruno Charles de Kooman fell out of window of the House on the Embankment in the center of Moscow and died. 

According to preliminary data, de Kooman fell out of window of the ninth floor of the House on the Embankment on Serafimovich Street. The Telegram-channel Mash says he was sober. 

In his friend’s words, he was going upstairs and asked to wait him at the front of the house. Literally minutes after, the man fell out of the window. In an interview with the Telegram-channel, he also said that de Kooman died before emergency medical service arrived. 

It is known that de Kooman has worked as a research and development vice-president in the company. 


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