
Antonio Megalizzi

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Дата смерті:
Жертва теракту, Журналіст, жертва ІДІЛ
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The fourth victim has been identified as 28-year-old Italian journalist Antonio Megalizzi, who was in Strasbourg to cover the European Parliament plenary session for radio network Europhonica.

Europhonica confirmed Megalizzi's death on its Facebook page.

Megalizzi had been kept in a pharmacologically-induced coma after being shot by the attacker and a bullet lodged at the base of his skull

At a news conference following an EU Summit, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said his thoughts were with the victims family.

"This news has greatly saddened me. It hit us hard. I greeted (French) President (Emmanuel) Macron with a hug because of this vile attack and the news about Antonio Megalizzi really saddened me; this lad who studied at Trento and was finishing his Masters (degree). He had a passion for your work, for journalism, for the radio. He was working on very interesting projects and he also had a passion for Europe because he studied European institutions. In this moment my thoughts and great affection go to his girlfriend and family and we must all be united in this pain."

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Bartosz Pedro Orent NiedzielskiBartosz Pedro Orent NiedzielskiЗнакомый00.00.198216.12.2018
        2Cherif ChekattCherif ChekattЗлочинець00.00.198913.12.2018
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