
Bibi Ferreira

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Abigail Izquierdo Ferreira
Aктор, Режисер, Співак
Встановіть кладовищі

Bibi Ferreira (born Abigail Izquierdo Ferreira; 1 June 1922 – 13 February 2019) was a Brazilian actress, singer, and director.

Early life

Ferreira was born in Rio de Janeiro, the daughter of stage actor Procópio Ferreira and Argentine dancer Aida Izquierdo, born in Buenos Aires. Her paternal grandparents came from Portugal, more precisely from Madeira Island. While his maternal grandparents, Antonio Izquierdo and Irma Queirola were from Spain. She learned dance at Teatro Municipal in Rio de Janeiro.


Her father invited his daughter to join his company. She made her stage debut performing La Locandiera at Teatro Serradorin Rio de Janeiro, on 28 February 1941. She formed her own company three years later. During this period, she began hosting several talk and variety television shows, giving new artists and playwrights the opportunity to present their work.

In 1962, she was cast in the Brazilian production of My Fair Lady, which set a Brazilian record for its ​2 1⁄2-year run. She then received leads in Hello Dolly and Man of La Mancha. In the 1970s, she began directing her own productions. Ferreira began performing in a musical about Édith Piaf in 1983, and toured the show through Europe.

Ferreira was a prominent figure in the Brazilian entertainment industry. Her protégé singer Maria Bethâniasaid of Ferreira, "Everything she does has helped Brazil with its identity." The French Government awarded her the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 1985. 

In 2016, Ferreira appeared in "Bibi Times Four", a one-woman show at Symphony Space in New York City.

Personal life

In 1968, Ferreira married Paulo Pontes, a playwright. In 1970, she performed in Gota D'Agua, a play Pontes wrote. Pontes died in 1976.

Ferreira died on 13 February 2019.


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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Procópio  FerreiraProcópio FerreiraБатько08.07.189818.06.1979
        Aida IzquierdoМама
        3Paulo PortoPaulo Portoчоловік01.09.191703.07.1999
        Édson Françaчоловік08.08.193025.02.2003
        5Herval RossanoHerval Rossanoчоловік23.04.193508.05.2007
        Armando Carlos Magnoчоловік
        Carlos Martins Lageчоловік
        8Paulo PontesPaulo Pontesчоловік08.11.194027.12.1976
        Antonio IzquierdoДед
        Irma QueirolaБабушка

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