
Zarife Hasanaj

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Дата смерті:
Додаткові імена:
Zarife Hasanaja, Зарифе Хасаная
Військова людина, Жертва катастрофи, жертва
Встановіть кладовищі

An accident has claimed the life of an Albanian soldier stationed in Latvia as part of NATO's multinational battalion, LSM's Latvian service reported May 6.

Details of the incident, including naming the deceased as First Lieutenant Zarife Hasanaj, were given by the Albanian Daily News, which said the incident happened while World War II mines were being neutralized by the specialist Albanian team. Two other members of the bomb disposal team were reported as injured and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama also offered his condolences.

Bie në krye të detyrës nëntetare Zarife Hasanaj

Humb jeten efektivja e Forcave te Armatosura te Shqiperise| ABC News Albania

Report TV pranë banesës së nëntetares që humbi jetën në Letoni, flet fqinji

RTV Ora - Familja Hasanaj hap dyert e mortit

RTV Ora - Shpërthim në Letoni, humb jetën nëntetarja shqiptare, dy të tjerë plagosen

Ne shtepine e Zarife Hasanajt

Джерело:,, LETA,

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Klodians TanušiKlodians TanušiКомандир, Товариш31.10.198010.05.2019
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