
Rachel Jones

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Додаткові імена:
Reičela Džons, Рейчел Джонс,
, Письменник, мандрівник
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It’s with great sadness that we’re writing to let you know that Rachel has passed away. As we hope you will appreciate, it’s come as a huge shock to all of us.

Hippie in Heels started out through Rachel’s love of travelling and joy of sharing her experiences with you all. Every morning Ben would wake up to find Rachel tapping away at her laptop, keen to share her latest thoughts on a new trip, or a restaurant she loved. It’s in this spirit and knowing it would be Rachel’s strong wish, as it is our own, for Hippie in Heels to keep going in her memory.

We’re taking great strength from Rachel’s attitude to life - never settling and always wanting to do what made her happy. Having been a nurse and deciding it wasn’t right for her, Rachel’s decision to stay in India to create Hippie in Heels will have been put in the ‘too difficult to do’ box for many of us, but we’re reminded we should do whatever makes us happy, every day.

Each of us has had the joy of travelling with Rachel, but even if we weren’t with her, we felt by her side through reading her blog. In Rachel’s honour we’d love to build a community with you all and ask you all to contribute posts, reviews, thoughts or experiences of places you have visited. Rachel did this blog for you all, and we want to do this for her. We’re hoping to get a system up and running for Rachel’s readers to write for the blog in the next few weeks, but in the meantime please stay with us and keep reading Hippie in Heels.

Rachel was, and forever will be, our wildflower.

Ben, Jeff, Carla and Travis


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