
Jordan Anchondo

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Anchondo, 25, mother of 2, was shot to death apperently by Patrick Crusius while shielding her 2-month-old son at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, the victim's sister told the Associated Press in the waiting room of the University Medical Center of El Paso.

Anchondo was shopping for school supplies when she was shot, Leta Jamrowski, 19, said. Jamrowski said her 2-month-old nephew was being treated for broken bones and was injured when his mother fell on him while trying to protect him.

"From the baby’s injuries, they said that more than likely my sister was trying to shield him," Jamrowski told the AP. "So when she got shot she was holding him and she fell on him, so that’s why he broke some of his bones. So he pretty much lived because she gave her life."

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Andre AnchondoAndre Anchondoчоловік00.00.199703.08.2019

        03.08.2019 | At least 1 suspect in custody after 22 killed during shooting at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas, US

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