
Adele Eva Klitzkie

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Adele Merrifield, Adele Klitzkie
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Obituary of Adele Klitzkie-

Adele E. (Merrifield) Klitzkie 1892-1943 "The Milton Junction Telephone", Milton Junction, Wisconsin, Thursday, Dec. 2, 1943, p 1. Mrs. Adele Klitzkie, 51, died this Thursday morning in the home of her mother, Mrs. Bertha Merrifield, Milton Junction. Mrs. Klitzkie suffered a stroke six years ago and has been an invalid since that time. She suffered another stroke Wednesday night and died Thursday morning. She has lived with her mother much of the time during her illness. Adele Merrifield was born Jan. 9, 1892, on the farm at Merrifield corners now owned by Ottar Vien and grew to womanhood there. She attended the Merrifield district school and graduated from the old Milton Junction high school. She was married to William Klitzkie on Feb. 22, 1911, and they lived at Richmond. She is survived by her mother; two daughters, Mrs. Raymond Keller, Milton, and Mrs. Otto Zellner, Milwaukee, a son, Paul was a member of the 192nd Tank Co. of Janesville and was reported “missing in action” at the fall of Bataan. There are three sisters: Mrs. Ottar Vien, Edgerton Route 4; Mrs. Clarence Anderson, Delavan; and Mrs. Alfred Sunby, Edgerton; and three brothers, Harry Merrifield, Milton Junction, John Merrifield, Fort Atkinson, and Whitney Merrifield, Milwaukee. Funeral services will be held in the Gray and Albrecht funeral home Saturday afternoon at two o’clock and burial will be in Milton Junction cemetery.


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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Paul William KlitzkiePaul William KlitzkieСин08.02.191306.01.1942
        2Rena Estelle VienRena Estelle VienСестра04.04.189003.00.1969
        3Rolf Ottar VienRolf Ottar VienПлемінник24.08.191619.10.1968
        Alfred LaVerne VienПлемінник10.10.191214.06.1996
        Stanley Adolph VienПлемінник18.09.191023.01.1962
        6Ottar fransen VienOttar fransen VienШурин02.03.188319.09.1963

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