
Florence Vigevino

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9 December 1942 | A Dutch Jewish girl, Florence Vigevino, was born in The Hague.

In February 1944 she was deported to #Auschwitz with her mother Mietje.

They were murdered in a gas chamber after the selection.

Poor little baby. Only 14 months 'old'... 

Florence was the daughter of Mietje nee Swaab, born 04-12-1909 and Abraham, born 19-01-1904. Abraham was selected into the camp and died on 30-06-1944 (central Europe). They lived in Scheveningen (picture 1941).

When the Second World War broke out, The Hague had about 17,000 Jewish inhabitants. It was the second largest Jewish community in the Netherlands. In August 1942 the deportations of the Jews of The Hague to the concentration and extermination camps of the Nazis began.

As a reaction to the protests by the Catholic Cardinal Jan de Jong against the persecution of the Jews, Jews converted to Catholicism had already been arrested in The Hague in the night of 1 to 2 August 1942 and deported to Westerbork via camp Amersfoort. On August 14, some

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