
Diaa Hamarsheh

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Дата смерті:
Вбивця, Терорист
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The ex-prisoner Diaa Hamarsheh (27),from Ya'bad town near Jenin, one of three who carried out the shooting in Bani Burak neighborhood in Tel Aviv city which caused to the death of 5.


At this point, six minutes had passed since the start of the killing spree. Hamarsheh then proceeded to Herzl Street, where he shot Yehezkel, who was protecting his child from the gunfire.

As Hamarsheh continued down Herzl Street, two officers on a police motorcycle confronted him and began firing. Hamarsheh returned fire, striking Khoury, who later died of his wounds.

The second officer succeeded in killing Hamarsheh, bringing an end to the deadly spree.

The attack, the third deadly terror incident in a week, underlined concerns about an escalating wave of violence ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Avishai YehezkelAvishai YehezkelЖертва29.03.2022
        2Yaakov ShalomYaakov ShalomЖертва29.03.2022
        3Amir  KhouriAmir KhouriЖертва00.00.199029.03.2022
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